Both as one through video link!
Bartenev made a virtual appearance in court via a video link.
Later, they received supplies and a video link lowered through drill holes.
Just provide Mux with the video link and then choose the mobile format of your choice.
But he chose to not to attend, and instead accepted the award via video link, from Australia.
They use a video link to talk to the telescope operator, who will spend all night at the summit.
The Russian boy and the German man met each other earlier this month via an Internet video link.
Consult the demonstration video link in the Resources section for an example of what this can look like.
They gathered at the discovery center in Boise on Tuesday to ask the astronauts questions by video link.
And in a video link with the UN, Chan appeared to attempt to allay fears, adding: "We are not there yet."
Include a video link so that a hiring manager can literally see who you are and how you represent yourself.
Its clients' staff are making do with communication bye-mail, phone and video link, rather than visiting a trade show.
The victims were buried together in China where their relatives watched the trial with an interpreter via a video link.
This afternoon's closed court session also saw Elisabeth confront Fritzl for the first time - albeit by pre-recorded video link.
Send the link around to friends you might have, asking for comments. Send the video link to bloggers who may be interested in your topic.
Similarly, some firms have started to experiment with "virtual water-coolers", connecting their office kitchens by means of a permanent video link.
She was joined on the stage after her speech by her two little girls, who spoke to their father via a remote video link and charmed many in the audience.
Doing that and displaying the transformed face takes just 150 milliseconds, fast enough to allow a conversation over video link to continue in real time.
For those unable to attend a wedding in person, wedding Streams' supreme quality Internet video link is the next best way to share the special occasion.
Watching the verdicts by video link under guard from a court in Milan, Ahmed, who prosecutors claimed had bragged of being the brains behind the attacks, reportedly burst into tears and prayed.
You can also upload video from your own computer, or just input the link from video site, and it will show thumbnails about the video, how friendly.
The system is frequency flexible, connects hundreds of users to a single base station, and delivers superior range and link performance in voice, video and data transmission.
She was hit by a van, as captured in a video so gruesome that I'm not providing a link.
She was hit by a van as captured in a video so gruesome that I'm not providing a link.
Their tumble blog set up supports text, link, quote, image, and video posts.