A creeper was entwined round the pillar.
The English ivy is an evergreen creeper.
Like the creeper that girdles the tree trunk.
I will never resemble clambering trumpet creeper.
Step by step, the sleepy creeper crawled into my sleeve to sleep.
They make their way through a jungle weave with creeper and vine.
The inner of the smoking woman is as cold as one trumpet creeper.
One of its promotions, "AirTran U Creeper," flashes photos submitted by users at midnight.
其中一项促销活动“AirTran U Creeper”,会在深夜闪现不同用户提交的照片。
I gently pulled his hand a creeper of the stem, actually still could not pull it off!
Many people describe the goji berry plant as a mix between a grape vine, and a tomato creeper.
This type mating creeper gear used in machinery of packing, traffic, metallurgy, mine and so on.
Are interested, you can also all kinds of creeper, look at it, you surely will find many interesting things.
The fatigue life of the creeper tread is lacking in the maintenance support system of the self-propelled gun.
It is the tract of the Malaya Hills of Sanskrit literature where grow the cardamum creeper and the Sandal Tree.
The calculation formula of the anti-creeping force has been deduced by analysing the force on the anti-creeper.
I noticed in a few photos I have that there is a creeper motor exhaust port and intake on both sides of the boat.
Now and then we passed a moorland cottage, walled and roofed with stone, with no creeper to break its harsh outline.
Kinds of creeper people, as long as the ivy's "feet" on the crevice, or cracks, and then poured some water, I was done.
This paper puts forward a new type of bolted anti-creepers, which changes the fixture mode of the dowelled anti-creeper.
"Today is sunny, " she replies, looking out a window framed by creeper vines. "My father is happy because today his pigeons are happy."
Father has a lot of "Chinese trumpet creeper grass" on seeing a lawn, will have plucked several coming down, teach us doing whistle boast.
The three volumes which form the Drawers House are connected by a hallway decorated with a wall of creeper plants which extends length of the site.
A kind of new low-alloy steel with strength was studied to overcome the deficiency of traditional high-manganese steel used in making creeper truck.
It is very difficult to predict the fatigue life of the creeper tread because both testing load history and fixing on load locations are not easy to realize.
At present, the application of creeper in our province is concentrated on urban afforestation, mainly used in vertical greening and protection of bank and road.
Creeper plants belong to Grape family. They are climber plants that are perennial lignification big lianas. There are about 15 species of creeper plants in the world.
Instead of putting the Monte up on the lift, Tommy ("Tommy the Temper, " as some of our regulars called him) kicked over a creeper and rolled under the car with a droplight.
virginia creeper