Nori is most widely enjoyed is in the hugely popular snack known as onigiri, which has sandwich-like portability and can be readily consumed.
Onigiri are often a essential part of any bento or Japanese boxed meal.
Come in at lunch time on a weekday and get free Onigiri (rice ball) with your meal!
For the onigiri with the salmon filling, sprinkle salmon with salt, and rest for at least 30 minutes.
The price for a single, street-stall onigiri rice ball (using domestic name brand rice, but still!) is 220 yen.
'For tour groups, that means not offering Japanese onigiri (rice balls) or bento (pre-packed lunch boxes),' she says.
她 说,对于旅游团来说,这意味着不要提供日本的饭团或盒饭。