Physical therapy is an important adjunct to drug treatments.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》"We are increasingly building our homes in fire-prone ecosystems," says Dominik Kulakowski, adjunct professor of biology at Clark University Graduate School of Geography in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Instead, they might be in adjunct or visiting positions.
The adjunct process houses the platform messaging component.
In both cases, job management is an adjunct to other styles of management.
An adjunct professor is hired to teach for a limited time, usually one semester.
A depictive adjunct predicate may be hosted by either the subject or the object.
An adjunct professor is hired to teach for a limited time, usually one semester.
However, the method level trace can be very useful as an adjunct to WebSphere tracing.
Career after the Navy, and he continues to inspire others, as an adjunct professor in a.
I hold adjunct faculty positions that give me an opportunity to interact with faculty and students.
The school President believed that a small garden would be a pleasing adjunct to the school grounds.
For the past 10 years, Paul has been teaching Emerging Markets Finance at Columbia as an Adjunct Professor.
Conclusion immunophenotypic analysis is an extremely useful adjunct in the diagnosis of chronic lymphoid leukemia.
There is one control region, at least one servant region, and one (or none) control region adjunct, as shown in Figure 1.
存在一个控制区域、至少一个服务区域,以及一个(或无)控制区域 Adjunct,如图 1 所示。
The semantic features of the predicate verbs have restraints on the lexical selection of the depictive adjunct predicates.
Steve began a second career after the Navy, and he continues to inspire others, as an adjunct professor in a nearby college.
Arnold Kling is an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute and a member of the Mercatus Center working group on financial markets.
作者Arnold Kling是卡托研究所的兼职学者,Mercatus中心金融市场工作小组成员。
The recurring-subscription adjunct offered by Apple's iPhone OS 3.0 is proving highly attractive to publishers and broadcasters.
MQ then assigns work load classifications to the messages based on classification rules known to the control region adjunct (CRA).
然后MQ基于对控制区域adjunct (control region adjunct, CRA)已知的分类规则为消息分配负载分类。
Writing tests that reach more code and therefore exercise more functionality usually takes more legwork in the form of adjunct frameworks.
Newly added in version 6.0.1 is the adjunct process, which hosts the internal messaging component and handles the JFAP and JCAI protocols.
"Intermittent conditioning," suggested Irene Pepperberg, an adjunct associate professor at Brandeis University who studies animal intelligence.
“这是间歇性的条件作用,”Brandeis大学研究动物智能的助教Irene Pepperberg告诉我。
Walking through the parse tree at runtime with a good debugger is another invaluable adjunct to understanding how tree building works in JJTree.
By understanding what makes the humor tick, you can become better at planning and deliberately using this powerful adjunct to your success arsenal.
The Groff distribution includes the groff front-end tool, the troff back-end typesetting engine, and various adjunct tools, which are used in this tutorial.
Groff 分发版中包括 groff 前端工具、troff 后端排版引擎和本教程中使用的各种附属工具。
adjunct professor
- adjournv. 推迟;延期;休会;延缓;搁置;中止会议;暂停;休庭;暂时休息
- admonishv. 劝告;告诫;警告;责备;诚恳建议;提醒;忠告;提醒…注意;训诫;劝诫
- adequateadj. 足够的;充足的;充分的;够用的;适当的;合适的;恰当的;符合要求的;合格的;合乎需要的
- advicen. 建议;忠告;意见;劝告;指导;信息;通知;消息;指示
- adaptv. 使适应;使适合;调整;改编(作品);修改;转化;调节;顺应;改造;改写;改编;整合
- admirev. 欣赏;赞赏;钦佩;仰慕;赞美;羡慕;称赞;对…感到钦佩;对…给予高度评价;对…表示敬佩
- adjacentadj. 相邻的;邻近的;与…毗连的;接壤的;紧挨的;临近的;
- adherev. 粘附;坚持(信念、原则);遵守;忠于;拥护;固守;紧贴;依附;遵循;密切相关;如实反映
- admissionn. 承认;接纳;录取;入学许可;准许进入;准入标准;入场费;入场券;入院;门票价格;入场票价;入场权;入会费;入场证;许可进入的权利;(病人的)入院登记;入场人数
- advocaten. 支持者;提倡者;拥护者;主张者;代言人
- adornv. 装饰;装扮;美化;修饰;使生色;点缀;饰以
- addictn. 瘾君子;吸毒成瘾的人;沉迷者;对…入迷的人;对某事物有强烈依赖的人
- adventuren. 冒险;冒险活动;冒险经历;探险经历;奇遇;冒险事业;冒险故事;冒险行为
- adjectiven. 形容词
- admitv. 承认(过错、罪行);招认;招供;接纳;同意;许可;录取;准许进入;允许加入;接收入院;为…办理入院手续
- adjoinv. 毗连;邻接;接壤;相连;紧挨;贴近
- adjustv. 调整;调节;适应;习惯;整理
- adoptv. 收养;采取;采纳;采用;接受;正式通过;选定(名字);承袭(风俗);移居;定居;选举;提名(某人)为候选人;保持(姿势)
- advisev. 建议;忠告;劝告;推荐;通知;告知;忠告;出主意;正式告知;警告;顾问;向…提供咨询服务
- advocacyn. 提倡;(对某种思想、行动方针、信念的)拥护;支持;辩护;鼓吹;倡导活动;代言;宣传
- administerv. 管理(公司、组织、机构等);监督;分配;给予;施用(药物等);提供;执行;施行;治理(国家);处理事务;主持(圣礼,尤指圣餐)仪式
- adorev. 热爱;爱慕;崇拜;崇敬;非常喜欢;钦佩;敬仰;宠爱;喜爱;热爱;崇拜(神灵);顶礼膜拜
- adultn. 成人;(法律上指能为自己的行为负责的)成年人;成年动物;成熟的个体;已成熟的生物
- advertisev. 为…做广告;做广告;登广告;公布;征聘;宣扬;宣传;使变得显眼
- junctionn. (公路或铁路的)交叉路口;汇合处;交叉路口;岔道口;连接点;接合点;(河流的)汇合处;(电缆的)主接点
- conjunctionn. [语法]连词;连接词;结合;联合;同时发生;同一地点发生;巧合;[天文](恒星、行星等的)合相;[占星]星体合位