But they may not be so smart when dealing with people or real-world problems.
These respectively represents a theoretical requirements and awareness of real-world problems.
Lastly, focus on leveraging breakthrough technologies to solve real-world problems in new markets.
Many universities turn out graduates who are good at exams but unaccustomed to thinking about real-world problems.
10gen has designed MongoDB to solve real-world problems for a large subset of the application development community.
Then there are always the real-world problems of speed, memory, and having programmers willing to put together these horribly complex things.
The main idea is to combine these subjects that are usually taught separately at school, and to use them to assist in solving real-world problems.
The SOA scenarios are representative of common scenarios of use of IBM products and solutions that are used in SOA engagements to solve real-world problems.
Example tools: to demonstrate best practice when using the API, the project will provide a number of downloadable tools that can be used to solve real-world problems.
Now known as the Mercatus Center, it promotes itself as “the world’s premier university source for market-oriented ideas—bridging the gap between academic ideas and real-world problems.”
也就是现在的莫卡特斯中心(Mercatus Center),该中心对外宣传自身是“世界顶尖的市场主导型创意大学智库——贯通学术理论与现实世界之间的鸿沟”。
And, just as important, the effort to bring cognitive models of learning to bear on real-world problems is bound to lead to important new advances in our understanding of how people learn generally.
Sometimes the term applicable mathematics is used to distinguish between the traditional field of applied mathematics and the many more areas of mathematics that are applicable to real-world problems.
In the real world, problems rarely come neatly packaged, so being able to discern their deep structure is key.
Our intelligences work together in different combinations and to varying degrees to solve real world problems of every kind, across domains and disciplines.
So, even if schemes like XML signatures are in place and being used, they may not address the real world problems they were supposed to solve.
There are many real problems in this world.
Applied psychology focuses on the use of different psychological principles to solve real world problems.
Thanks to mathematics lots of real world problems are solved.
Look for problems and solve them. - There are many real problems in this world.
The real world solves these problems with a combination of the two techniques.
This article has shown how you can address real-world business problems through the introduction of an SOA, both from a technology and business perspective.
In future installments of this column, we will examine some of these facilities and specific tools in more detail, and discuss how they apply in practice to solve real world problems.
Unfortunately, in the real world, we inherit the problems of those who came before.
But even so we may see more of a focus on 'real world' problems from now on and a move away from consumer apps as the primary focus.
The focus of the conference was the application of computer-game technologies and virtual environments to real-world business problems.
This guidance will provide practical, fiscally responsible, guidance on implementing an ESB to solve real world problems.
This approach to coordinating multiple advices that update internal state is frequently useful when applying aspects to real world problems.