I'm going as a favour to Ann, not because I want to.
《牛津词典》My mother lived all that again, as a favour to me?
As if I had besought them as a favour to bother my life out.
As a favour to my neighbour, I offered to pick his kids up from school.
I did it as a favour for a friend, but I know now he was wrong to ask if of me.
But the interesting result comes with those who were asked to participate 'as a favour'.
As a favour Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant.
To bestow rent reduction as a favour instead of arousing the masses to achieve it by their own action is wrong, and the results will not be solid.
Curtis Matthews, a retired postman from North Carolina, was running the bar as a favour to his brother, who had left Louisiana after the attempt on his life the year before.
柯蒂斯·马修斯是一名来自南卡罗来纳的邮递员。 在因约翰·马修斯生命受到威胁而离开路易斯安那州以后,他就帮哥哥经营着酒店。
He abandoned teaching in favour of a career as a musician.
《牛津词典》The balance of pricing power has shifted in the miners' favour due to the emergence of China as a voracious consumer over the past 10 years.
The third is again the reciprocity principle; by "moving down", you are seen as having done him a favour!
As the men get richer, the wives are either tossed out in favour of a new model or become engaged in 23 inane, busy-making activities.
The cross platform architecture support of MeeGo, as well as its potential to develop as a Linux-, open source platform, can tip the balance in its favour.
"If females have a biological predisposition to favour colours such as pink, this preference should be evident regardless of experience of the acquisition of gender concepts," they said.
The odds favour a continuation of decent job growth, though not as briskly as in October.
In California, say, they tend, as renters rather than homeowners, to be against Proposition 13, a law that caps property taxes, and instead to favour taxes that pay for better education.
If nobody can find more convincing arguments in favour of the Lisbon treaty, the EU as a whole may yet find itself whistling in the dark.
Once the electorate shifts in favour of a candidate, as it seems to have done over the last few weeks, it seldom moves again, they said.
As I said, a betting man would not favour the chances of a rapid breakthrough after the Washington summit.
They argue that with the decline of the financial sector as a money-spinner the British economy needs rebalancing—naturally, in favour of their own world-beating industry.
As I said, a betting man would not favour the chances of a rapid breakthrough after the Washington summit. The Hamas conundrum is a huge obstacle.
Most voters tell pollsters they favour a balanced approach to the deficit, meaning tax increases as well as spending cuts, with a bigger share of the taxes coming from the rich.
As a result, the Committee has actively encouraged a number of countries to seek support from WHO and to adopt or strengthen activities in favour of child rights in their country.
Miss Tox made a graceful bend as she spoke, in favour of Mr Dombey, which that gentleman graciously acknowledged.
Republicans, who generally favour a smaller stimulus with more tax cuts, decry Mr Obama's bill as wasteful.
This may favour a group such as Bottega Veneta which produces handbags without a logo but with a distinctive stitching pattern.
As a technician, I'm inclined to ignore deadlines in favour of a more elegant technical solution.