We are trying to broaden our contacts as to be able to do more effective merchandizing.
We are trying to broaden our contacts so as to be able to do more effective merchandizing.
In particular, we'll look at how this approach can be applied in the Merchandizing business.
This article is divided into four parts to analyze the issues about the merchandizing right of works.
Interact and work closely with Marketing and Merchandizing in developing instructions manuals for product lines.
Merchandizing right is a new concept of law, and domestic and international research on this issue is inconclusive.
A further significant factor is the company's concentration on its code business processes: prim design, production and merchandizing.
Then the paper will analyze the conditions of the object of merchandizing right of works to define the scope of merchandizing right of works'object.
Merchandizing right of works is belonging to merchandising right. It means that the copyright owners are entitled to do commercial use of their works exclusively.
Famous fictional characters embody giant commercial appeal, which can be transformed into merchandizing symbol of significant distinctiveness and advertisement value.
If your service is related to design, printing, merchandizing or branding then why not consider partnering with us to provide high quality logo design services to your clients?
The definition and nature on merchandizing right of works have not yet formed a unified understanding in our scholars, and there are no relevant legislation requirements either.
As President of G-III Apparel Groups he supervises marketing, merchandizing and product development for the company, keeping close tabs on everyone from division VPs to designers.
作为G - III服装集团的总裁,她为公司管理着市场营销、商品销售和产品开发等环节,监督着公司的每一个人,包括从各部门的副总裁道设计师。