Its simplicity creates a lower barrier of entry than its big brother SOAP.
Now with tools such as Twitter and Facebook, there is a lower barrier to entry.
This lower barrier to adoption allows many previously “silent” consumers all of a sudden discover the power of their own voices.
Because the implementation only has to be done once, there is a much lower barrier to providing more powerful capabilities in the automated interfaces.
Moreover, crowding-in effects are significant in the industries with higher barrier to entry, while there are insignificant crowding-out effects in the industries with lower barrier to entry.
Instead of erecting a single barrier, they now set up several lower defences that reduce rust's harm.
Given the high food prices around the world and the need for poor people to lower their cost of food, it just does not make sense for the Doha negotiations to founder upon this barrier.
When tides drag the ocean over a shallow barrier such as a ridge on the ocean floor, it creates waves in the lower, denser layer of water.
Changes in the input voltage lower the barrier and increase current flow in transistors, just as adding an enzyme to a chemical reaction speeds it up.
It also could lower the cost barrier for training new pilots amid surging demand for airline pilots world-wide.
I wanted to lower the "barrier to entry," so to speak, of dependency injection.
For those who want to write a new test framework, the barrier for entry is lower.
As the height of the magnetic barrier is slowly lowered, the fastest atoms leave the bottle and the remaining gas rethermalizes via elastic atomic collisions at lower and lower temperatures.
Without a lower-carbon economy, Mr Garnaut said, the Great Barrier Reef and other Australian “heartlands” would change “beyond recognition”.
We will further lower the barrier for individuals, including rural migrant workers who have returned to their home villages, to start their own businesses and lend them more support in this area.
Result: After Lower limb ischemic reperfusion, the intestinal barrier function was severely damaged.
As adhesive tape industry's barrier turn lower and because the heated competitive, the industry's profit turn meagre even deficit.
It has shown that less 1, 2-unit content corresponds to lower potential barrier of internal rotation and hence to lower energy of rotational isomerization.
Barrier lakes made formed by earthquake threaten the lower reaches enormously.
Firstly it modulates privacy and views through its density and amount of twist as well as acting as a security barrier for lower floors.
The bigger your account, the smaller the percentage eaten by commissions and the lower your barrier to winning.
Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) process has become a highlight in research due to its advantages such as higher removal efficiency, lower energy consumption and less ground demand.
A water barrier was extruded on the insulation layer of electric cable to improve electric property and to lower the cost.
The upper layer barrier and the lower layer barrier are respectively provided with a charging opening at the outer side and the inner side for charging.
上下两层屏障分别在外侧,内侧各设一个充气 口,用于充气。
As soon as we erected the felt barrier between the speakers, I discovered that it absorbed high frequencies and dimmed the vibrancy of treble sounds. (the felt had no effect on mid and lower range).
However, the case study show, that tinder barrier-free condition the perforated degree is used to being lower and resulting in lower flow rate of well.
As the platform clears I see her, standing behind the ticket barrier in a green coat, the lower part of her face buried in a navy scarf.
The formation cross sections of the neutron-rich isotope are, generally speaking, obviously enhanced due to the lower Coloumb barrier, lower height of the conditional saddle-point…