He worked awhile as a pharmacist in Cincinnati.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》At the Cincinnati northern Kentucky international airport, miniature horses deliver a calming force two times a month.
Two Ohio cities, Dayton and Cincinnati, made our list at Nos. 9 and 10.
He is currently serving as the President of the University of Cincinnati.
Professor GREGORY WILLIAMS (President, University of Cincinnati) : Thanks for having us.
Gregory Williams is now the President and a professor of law at the University of Cincinnati.
We watched you play after you suffered the knee injury in your win over Petrova in Cincinnati.
"It was totally hit and miss," says Rosemary Osborne of Procter and Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Murray won his eighth Masters-level tournament overall and his second of the year after Cincinnati.
About 60 percent of the Cincinnati-based company's revenue last year were from outside the U.S..
The player, who surprisingly lost in the recent Cincinnati Masters, is cool-headed ahead of the Games.
A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Robert Test was a writer for television and radio when he wrote this essay.
In 2008 researchers in Cincinnati claimed the risk was four times as high compared with other times of the day.
One judge said she had already dealt with a similar case when styrene spilled out of rail car near Cincinnati.
L-3 Cincinnati Electronics thermal imagers increase combat lethality and improve survivability for the war fighter.
L - 3辛辛那提电子公司的热成像仪,让战斗机更加致命,生存力更强。
(Soundbite of laughter) LAWSON: On a recent evening, fans of board games gathered in Cincinnati to play together.
(众人笑声) 劳森:就在最近的某个晚上,桌游爱好者们齐聚辛辛那提市进行他们的游戏。
And, in fact, your message may be really annoying, says Ellen Thieken, a student at Mason High School near Cincinnati.
Under the terms of his will, his body was donated to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine s Department of Anatomy.
He plans to stay with his brother in Cleveland for a short time but is considering a move to either Cincinnati or New Orleans.
Most of TCS's new coders in Ohio are fresh from the nearby universities of Kentucky, Cincinnati, Purdue, Ohio State and others.
"I don't care what color he is, " said Garrell Winstead, 67, a real estate investor from Cincinnati, Ohio, who was in Tuesday's crowd.
来自俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的67岁的房地产商Garrell Winstead周二就在观礼的人群中。 他说:“我不关心他是什么肤色。”
Two weeks later, starving and exhausted, the family reached Cincinnati, where they made contact with members of the Underground Railroad.
If you are in touch with an old lover online, tell your current partner, advises Karen Gail Lewis, a marriage and family therapist in Cincinnati.
辛辛那提的婚姻家庭问题专家刘易斯(Karen Gail Lewis)说,如果你在网上跟老情人有联系,应当告诉现在的伴侣。
Having trained as an architect in Cincinnati he moved to New Mexico to experiment with his designs, ride motorcycles and avoid the Vietnam War.
DERF Magazine is based in Cincinnati, Ohio, but that doesn't stop the publication from reporting on whatever is happening in the U.S. and worldwide.
DERF Magazine位于俄亥俄州的辛辛那提,不过这不能阻止网站发表和报导发生在美国和世界范围的任何事情。
The mood recalls a letter written in 1870 by the city’s most famous chronicler, Lafcadio Hearn, to a friend in Cincinnati: “Times are not good here.
这种情绪让人回想起该市最著名的史学家拉夫卡迪奥•赫恩(Lafcadio Hearn)1870年写给一位在辛辛那提的友人的信,他在信中这样写到:“现在这里的情况可不好,整个城市都成为一片废墟。
Mary Ann Sell of Cincinnati, holds 40, 000 View-Master reels in her private collection, considered one of the worlds largest in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
辛辛那提的Mary Ann Sell拥有40,000个私人收藏的查看主机卷筒,她曾经是威斯康星州格林湾(Green Bay)收集查看主机卷筒最多的人。
He gave this talk at the North American Paleontological Convention in Cincinnati last month, and I think it's worth reading his words unfiltered, in context.