And I'm Tib. I'm a junior also and I major in Philosophy.
Tib has to be considered, and she has a very queer temper.
Ishi Tib are ferocious fighters, especially when cornered.
The Ishi Tib are a species of humanoid bipeds with star-shaped heads.
Ishi Tib are patient, thoughtful beings who are not prone to rash ACTS.
Ishi Tib evolved from bony fish in the shallow waters near the coral reefs of Tibrin.
If you do not wish to receive our emails any more, cancel your membership from your TIB account.
Offworld Ishi Tib are known for their devotion to nature, and for their excellent managerial skills.
Ext4, by contrast, permits file systems of up to 1024 pebibyte (PiB), or 1 exbibyte (EiB), and files of up to 16 TiB.
相反,Ext4的文件系统容量达到1024 pebibyte (PiB),或1 exbibyte (EiB),而文件容量则达到16 TiB。
I knew I wasn't getting enough TIB, but I was stunned to see how little of my time in bed I was actually asleep.
Results TIB in ramipril group was lower than in control group after 6 months, with no statistical difference(P>0.05).
结果治疗组TIB在出院后6个月低于对照组,但无统计学差异(P >0 .0 5 )。
The crystal TiB 2 film of high conjunctive intensity can be deposited on the cathode sphere with the IBAD technology.
When analysing the structure of the Thread Environment Block (TEB - also known as Thread Information Block TIB) on different operating systems, we find additional data followed by this structure.
分析不同操作系统的线程环境块(TEB - - -也叫做线程信息块TIB),我们可以看到这个结构的附加数据。