Staff there named it Gamma ray.
那里的工作人员为它取名为r射线(Gamma Ray)。
At the point of collision they may release a giant Gamma Ray Burst.
The previously known most distant object was a short-lived gamma ray burst.
PSR J0357 was originally discovered by the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope in 2009.
PS r J 0357最初是通过费米·伽玛射线太空望远镜(Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope)于2009年发现的。
The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of a gamma ray explosion on January 23, 1999.
Astronomers keep discovering new noisemakers in space: colliding black holes, glitching pulsars, gamma ray bursts.
Dr. Vicki Kaspi , a Professor of Physics at McGill University, explores the irradiating effects of a giant gamma ray burst.
Vicki Kaspi博士, McGill 大学物理学教授,研究地球将在巨大的伽马射线风暴辐射下毁灭。
Positrons and electrons annihilated each other, emitting gamma rays detected by Fermi's gamma-ray burst detector, researchers said.
So imagine scientists' surprise in the mid-1990s when they found these powerful gamma ray flashes happening right here on Earth, in the skies overhead.
The Fermi Space Telescope is so sensitive to these gamma ray bursts that it doesn't even need to be positioned right over a thunderstorm to detect the TGFs.
The two studies, both presented Wednesday at the Gamma Ray Bursts 2010 conference in Annapolis, Md., help clarify the story behind some of the universe's most violent events.
以上两项研究在星期三于马里兰州安纳波利斯举行的2010γ射线爆炸会议上都作了发表。 这帮助阐明了宇宙中发生的一些最激烈事件背后的情况。
It would seem sensible to seek the source of these in the universe's most conspicuous energy factories: quasars and gamma-ray bursts billions of light-years away from Earth.
If the black hole eats a star every 30,000 years, that hot plasma could provide enough energy to power the gamma-ray bubbles.
If the black hole eats a star every 30, 000 years, that hot plasma could provide enough energy to power the gamma-ray bubbles.
Shortly after launch in 2008, when we first turned on the telescope, we noticed an unexpected bright object in the newly observed gamma-ray sky.
IceCube's task is to watch for energetic neutrinos emanating from violent cosmic events such as supernovae and gamma-ray bursts.
These speedy electrons interact with photons in the galactic halo, boosting some of them up to the gamma-ray energies observed in the bubbles.
This artist's concept depicts what a gamma-ray burst might look like if we could view it up close (this is not something we'd recommend).
Last month, we discovered a bright gamma-ray flare from the direction of this star while it was undergoing a huge optical outburst.
When the same source flared again after a 45 minute pause it was clear this event was not a typical gamma-ray burst.
当 45 分钟的停顿之后同一源头再次爆发时,很显然这一事件并非通常的伽马射线爆发。
Fermi was located immediately above a thunderstorm for most of the observed gamma-ray flashes, but in several cases, storms were far away.
A cosmic gamma-ray burst striking the Earth could be harmful to ocean plankton at depths of up to 75 m, according to a team of Cuban researchers.
These positrons then come into contact with electrons in the body, and the two annihilate, releasing two gamma-ray photons.
Another way to probe the particles' properties is to look for the gamma-ray radiation produced when two WIMPs collide and annihilate each other, producing a cascade of particles and photons.
AS depicted in this NASA illustration, the twin "bubbles" seen in Fermi's gamma-ray observations also manifest themselves at X-ray and radio wavelengths.