Last week our subject was illegal fishing.
He leads the Ending Illegal Fishing program for Pew Charitable Trusts.
Officials are using new observational technology to fight illegal fishing.
Its pie so many ships, still be inferior to consider how reduce where illegal fishing.
The warships may also deter illegal fishing in Somali waters and the dumping of toxic waste.
Illegal fishing reduces market prices, making it harder for those who follow the law to compete.
It was saddening to think how man is spoiling this environment by over-fishing, and illegal fishing.
Too numerous to list, they include existing EU directives that cover nutrient pollution and illegal fishing.
South Korea should also use steel hulled ships and stop using sampans to interdict the illegal fishing by China.
The authors identify Las Palmas in the Canary islands as the centre of the illegal fishing trade in the Atlantic ocean.
International navies, he says, should not just chase pirates but should also protect Somali waters from illegal fishing.
Last week our subject was illegal fishing. Now we report on two cases where fish are both the victims and the offenders.
Local fishermen took the law into their own hands, boarding the illegal fishing boats and demanding a share of the catch.
I have traveled around the world to witness the inability of even developed nations to protect their waters from illegal fishing.
All seem to work well, though illegal fishing, mostly by ships sailing under frequently changed flags of convenience, remains a problem.
A European Commission report, published today, recommends the use of this type of forensic technology in the battle against illegal fishing.
There's a real need for a program of workshops like this -- port State controls are so important in stamping out illegal fishing," says Swan.
的确需要有一个这样的研讨会计划 – 港口国管制措施对于取缔非法捕鱼非常重要,”斯旺说。
The extent to which illegal fishing can be brought under control will also have a big impact on whether the population has a chance of recovering.
Beyond illegal fishing, foreign ships have also long been accused by local fishermen of dumping toxic and nuclear waste off Somalia's shores.
In many places the rules are simply ignored. Illegal fishing thrives, landings go unmonitored, skippers keep two sets of logbooks, officials are bribed.
Illegal fishing reduces market prices, making it harder for those who follow the law to compete. It can also increase the risk that fisheries will collapse.