This is a return to revering the sacred feminine, both in the practice and in the world.
Only human beings, however, are able to take the moral responsibility of "revering life".
Chinese ancient literature theory has been revering original creativity instead of imitation.
Sheldon : Oh, great. She's smart, insightful and she has a very unique way of, you know, revering me.
THE British gift for revering an institution yet complaining bitterly about it is well-displayed in the case of the BBC.
"It was a malicious crime that cleverly took advantage of a mentality for revering the imperial court and imperial family," Kyodo news agency quoted judge Takaaki Oshima as saying.
日本共同社援引该案法官Takaaki O shima的话说:“这是一场居心叵测的犯罪,罪犯利用了人们对皇室法庭和皇室家族的尊敬。”
After PLC control technology is applied, the revering program disturbance protection is realized, enabling electric control system for gas reversing machine more safe and reliable.
The application of equivalent draw beads to sheet forming blank design is studied and the ideal of blank design using revering method combined with equivalent draw bead is conceived.
As the simple structure, low price and steady performance which would not be influenced by the environment, the Ultrasonic ranging technology is widely used in the field of car-revering radars.