Life's beauty or temporariness and death's cruelty or numbness appear in the image of ice cream.
S3 inherits advantages of P2P network and discards its disadvantages such as temporariness, instability.
S3继承了P 2 P网络的优点并且摒弃了诸如文件时效性和不稳定性等缺点。
While pointing out this temporariness, the present article undertakes to interpret European culture in terms of its historical tradition and arts.
"We're seeing the rejection of the accumulation society," says Kristina Dryza, a trend consultant based in London, in her report "Temporariness" (.pdf file).
“我们目睹着‘堆积社会’被拒绝”,来自伦敦的潮流顾问克里斯蒂娜·扎拉萨(Kristina Dryza)在她的报告《临时性》中写道。
The principal human characteristic is the "temporariness" and nowadays we know that the true luxury is having time and space to dedicate to the others and ourselves.
T here are cases, however, where these two forms are not interchangeable in that the present perfective progressive has also the meanings of continuousness, temporariness and incompleteness .