“But for now, I’d love to work in an air-conditioned office,” he said.
Lanzhou City, the design is air-conditioned office building century engineering, the building a total of five.
Based on the CFD method, 3d numerical calculation was used to simulate the airflows at different blow angles in the air-conditioned office.
"The conditions here are excellent," he says in an air conditioned office adjacent to his cell in a north Baghdad suburb.
The office environment can make symptoms feel worse as well - the lighting made my headaches worse, and the dry, air-conditioned air made me cough.
Below are some actions which can be taken to save energy to reduce our carbon footprint in our office: Ensure that doors and Windows are closed in air-conditioned areas.
This article studied the influence of heat and pollutant sources on indoor air environment in a VAV air conditioned office with the application of professional CFD software.