Oversleeping disrupts your natural rhythm and leads to grogginess.
So set an alarm, both to avoid the grogginess of a long nap and to make sure you don't sleep through anything important.
Disorders like depression can also cause you to feel drained of energy, a symptom that can contribute to your grogginess.
The non-sedating formula safely relieves cough and cold symptoms while helping your child get a restful night's sleep with no morning grogginess.
A new discovery of a "mealtime clock" in our brains suggests that a short fast from eating could allow people to cope with jet lag and nightshift grogginess.
The "coffee nap" trick -- drinking some java right before taking a short nap to get the biggest boost when you wake up -- also works to avoid morning grogginess.
Early one summer morning in 2001, I arrived at the office and felt a slight buzzing in my right eye and some tingly numbness in my hands, which I dismissed as mere morning grogginess.
Certain medical conditions like sleep apnea can disrupt your night's rest, Disorders like depression can also cause you feel drained of energy, a symptom that can contribute to your grogginess.
有些身体状况也会让人睡不好,比如睡眠呼吸窒息。 抑郁也会使人精神不济,表现出来的症状就是萎靡不振。