The complete lack of focus on my team.
I think most of their fear from the lack of focus.
The No. 1 reason new businesses fail is lack of focus.
Stress causes distraction and lack of focus, says Mandel.
Mr. Obama’s problem wasn’t lack of focus; it was lack of audacity.
Normally, this is due to a lack of focus or being distracted.
Your lack of focus on details hampers the quality of your work.
If it's simply a lack of focus, it's probably best not to stress out about it.
Even after the multitasking ends, fractured thinking and lack of focus persist.
But even if you don't want to admit your lack of focus, it will be more helpful if you do.
Lack of focus, vision, planning, standards and everything else that goes into good management.
However, the cost of all those sleepless nights is more than just bad moods and a lack of focus.
It just looked like we had a lack of focus for what we knew they were good at - corners and free-kicks.
I guess I should blame my lack of focus all on Waldo, but I would never do that to the jolly tall and lanky man.
Many successful products fail in their subsequent releases due to a lack of focus on one or more crucial aspects.
You think, Maybe this time it will be different, but it doesn't solve your real problem-a lack of focus and purpose.
They may have trouble organizing tasks or activities because of a lack of focus or too strong of focus on too little an area.
Though the immediate cause of death in a startup tends to be running out of money, the underlying cause is usually lack of focus.
Temporary Heat Wave: Your lack of focus is rooted in the nebulous mess you call a workspace. Get organized and get rejuvenated!
We were a bit guilty of a lack of focus and concentration from that free-kick and Stoke know how to make the maximum from the minimum.
With a lack of focus on what is most important in your life it becomes easy to spend too much time and energy on aimless actions or work.
He criticizes what he calls a lack of focus on polyphenols and antioxidants, which he says are about 25% higher in organically grown foods.
他评论说他所说的缺乏重视的多酚和抗氧化剂,有机种植的食物大约高出25 %。
I wish I did buy the argument, expressed by some disillusioned Manchester United fans, that Rio Ferdinand's horrible season stems from a lack of focus.
The lack of focus on knowledge acquisition and management is the root cause of many of the problems we perennially experience in the creation of software.
Your tolerance of interruptions can allow others to take advantage of your time and good will. Your lack of focus on details hampers the quality of your work.
如果别人打扰你时,你表现出一幅宽容的样 子,别人就容易利用你的善良、占用你的时 间。如果你对细节缺乏应有的关注,你的工 作质量便会受到影响。
First, people lost a lot of money because they were focused on the wrong thing. his lack of focus, in turn, blurred the picture of what the real change was about.
Some older people might see statistics like these as evidence of a streak of entitlement and a lack of focus on the part of younger people, and no doubt those are factors.
More importantly, it is distracting you. Because there is no such thing as an effective multi-tasker, this lack of focus will seep into the quality of your work and creativity.
Temporarily relieves the symptoms of restlessness, sleeplessness, night terrors, growing pains, causeless crying, occasional sleeplessness due to travel and lack of focus in children.