Mr Mickel said Trade Queensland had worked closely with Jasmin Skincare since 2005.
Until now, Jasmin is the highest quality organic skincare brand you can find in the market.
The feasibility of the development of Jasmin chemicals by using domestic resources was evaluated.
From its headquarters at Jasmin House, Ayscough Street in Grimsby the company now employs 11 people.
Jasmin is looking for an owner who will have the patience and confidence to teach her all the things she needs to know.
Jasminum sambac Ait has fresh Jasmin flower smell. This paper analysis it with GC/MS, Linalool and the other forty three chemical constituents have been found.
利用GC/MS 仪器分析小花茉莉净油,共鉴定出芳樟醇等四十四种化学成分,为调配烟用香精提供了有效的参考数据。
What I like Jasmin the most is the sense of safety it provides. I know that what I rub on my children's body will not cause any potential harm for their health.