Mr Smithers runs his own firm.
Mr Morgan, you look a great deal like Terry Smithers.
Mr Smithers and Prof Wood suggest a 40 per cent increase in capital for the UK.
"I should like to invoke my right to remain silent, Sir," Smithers defiantly replied.
"Big investors can't take such a risk, so trade the stock away from the market," sighs Mr Smithers.
As evidence of the industry's lack of competition, Mr Smithers points to its increasing concentration.
Unless you come clean, Smithers, we shall have to investigate those allegations against you very seriously, indeed.
The irony of it is, of course, Smithers, that you were such an outstanding member of our team when you first got here.
Notwithstanding Smithers' admirable fidelity to the facts, I would argue that there is a case for buying exposure to a big story such as China.
“Wouldn't it be better to address the question of subjects directly—which ones, for how long and what to specify?” asks Alan Smithers, of Buckingham University.
However, the Smithers thesis presents investors with two obvious problems. The first is that shares have looked overvalued, on his measure, since the mid-1990s.
As a result, Mr Smithers notes, even after drawing down savings this decade, households still consume a smaller proportion of GDP than in any other rich country.
Smithers, don't you think it's ironic that your irregular night-time activities are in inverse proportion to your reputation as an expert in the area of invertebrate research?
"Smithers, don't you think it's ironic that your irregular night-time activities are in inverse proportion to your reputation as an expert in the area of invertebrate research?"