A strobe light flashed out the dance floor.
He was asked to press a button every time an irregular strobe light flashed.
You'd need arcs or strobe lights for that kind of effect, even in this feeble, fading light.
This optical illusion, called the wagon wheel effect, also can occur in the presence of a strobe light.
No harm to human health. Using the LED as lighting source, the lamps have no strobe light, light on demand.
There the light shows, augmented by strobe lights and phosphorescent colors, were more than an aesthetic medium;
Stay safe when the lights are out with the Toolkit, including a strobe light, flashlight and audible alert functions.
The 9-year-old jack Russell terrier named Rosie was wearing a tailored life jacket equipped with a strobe light beacon.
Fully dressed engine to CP level installed on engine dyno, video camera, tripod, strobe light and high speed video camera.
The invention relates to a stroboscopic device equipped with a function of changing the irradiating direction of strobe light.
The drone carries two target sleeves inside its cabin and can be fitted with light tracers and strobe lights for night training.
Without a strobe light to animate its riot of colors, this Fijian reef in 45 feet (14 meters) of water remains as a fish would see it.
He devised the strobe light — a brilliant, rapid flash created by passing electrical current through a vacuum tube filled with xenon gas.
他设计出电子闪光灯—— 一种使电流通过充满氙气的真空管而产生明亮快闪的灯光。博士把它称作:“管子里上帝的闪电。”
It features a built-in laser, strobe light, audible message, and electroluminescent lamp working together to lead building occupants towards emergency exits.
Flash or strobe light lets you photograph in dark places without having to increase your camera's ISO setting or use a tripod, as long as the subject is within the range of your light.
Compact and portable 360-degree strobe light with carrying strap and magnetic base included. Optional handle (Part Number PS-HDL) available seperately. Handle fits into most standard traffic cones.
After a few moments, and a brief flash of a strobe, the light took off, disappearing into the night sky.
We once again used the strobe as the main light and kept the wall in shadow.
What humans see lighted by a photographer's bright strobe may look altogether different in natural light through the eyes of reef creatures.
Finally, the white side of the 5-on-1 reflector set bounced light from the strobe back up under her hat and added a little bit of a beauty look to the headshot below.
Working mode: strong light, weak light, strobe.
Test that the strobe ready light is operating before connecting to the housing.
My strobe was in TTL , and gave me enough light to lift the shadow areas.
我的闪灯为TTL 模式,因此闪灯提供了足够的光线来提升阴影区域的亮度。
The strobe unit triggers in sync with the digital cameras internal flash by a small light sensor in the strobe body.
My strobe was in TTL, and gave me enough light to lift the shadow areas.
Xenon flash tube, xenon strobe tube, modeling lamp can bePhotography light Bulb, LEDused: 1 (Photo Studio) Flash, subsidies, cold light equipment.