1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-18 00:54:13


  • A DoCoMo spokesman would only say that further talks with Apple were possible.


  • But it risks losing market share and a product that Softbank could use against DoCoMo.


  • The project is a collaboration between Osaka University, the mobile telephone operator NTT DoCoMo and other institutes.

    该项目由大阪大学和移动电话运营商NTT DoCoMo公司以及其它一些机构合作开发。

  • Researchers at the Japanese telecom giant NTT DoCoMo are working on a way for you to control your MP3 player with your eyes.

    在日本电信巨头NTT DoCoMo的研究人员正在研究一种方法,你控制你的眼睛MP3播放器。

  • He convinced the newly formed Palo Alto research office of the Japanese telecommunications firm Docomo to take him on as a cryptography researcher.

    他说服日本电信公司Docomo刚成立不久的Palo Alto研究室接收他为加密技术研究员。

  • Zojirushi's iPot, developed with NTT DoCoMo and Fujitsu, has a wireless device which transmits a message to an NTT server when the water-dispensing button is pressed.

    与日本电报电话多科莫公司和富士通公司联合开发的象印电热水瓶“iPot”,有一个无线装置,摁动配水钮时, 该装置会把信息发送到电报电话公司的服务器上。

  • The move was still rather abrupt as NTT DoCoMo, the biggest mobile phone operator in Japan, said this month that it would sell a new Nokia smartphone for the winter season.


  • The firms - Sharp, Panasonic, Fujitsu and NEC - will introduce a new software system for animations and music in the next-generation mobile phones, developed by NTT DoCoMo.

    这4大厂商将在NTT DoCoMo开发的下一代手机中,使用统一的动画和音乐驱动软件。

  • Paid for by Japanese mobile giant NTT Docomo, the sheets also include information about the firm's public Wi-Fi networks as well as details about its smartphone travel app.


  • DoCoMo, hitherto weak on music and location-based services, has added such features to its pricier handsets and done deals with broadcasters to stream television to its subscribers' phones.


  • NTT DoCoMo, the leading mobile operator with 55% of the market, pioneered mobile Internet access in 1999, and today many subscribers rely on their phones as much for E-mail as for voice calls.

    移动互联网接入于1999年由ntt DoCoMo(日本最大的移动运营商,市场占有率55%)首创。如今许多用户依靠手机收发电邮的频率已经和通话不相上下。
