He walked most slowly of the three.
He walked the most slowly of them all.
It is probably the plant which grows the most slowly.
Walk the most slowly, as long as he doesn't lose target than aimless wandering people walk fast.
That's because, at our farthest from the sun, like now, Earth is traveling most slowly in its orbit.
Most of the time people chew their food slowly, as my mother taught me so many years ago.
Lawmakers and regulators are slowly starting to address the ambiguity around dark patterns, most recently at the state level.
Most of the time people chew their food slowly, as my mother taught me to do so many years ago.
Women Break Down Alcohol More Slowly : Women weigh less than most men and their metabolic system manufactures less of an enzyme called dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol.
女性降解酒精速度更慢: 女性比大部分男性体重更轻,还有新陈代谢系统合成的降解酒精的脱氢酶也更少。
For most fruits, the respiration rate slows down after the initial growth stage and the fruit ripens slowly.
Along with most of the EU, Sweden's economy started to recover in the second half of 2009, albeit slowly.
Library scientists have to prove their worth; most people don't understand that they're slowly drowning in a sea of their own information.
In virtually every field of endeavor, most people learn quickly at first, then more slowly and then stop developing completely.
Because COPD develops slowly, it is most frequently diagnosed in people aged 40 years or over.
Most things change slowly. Some change comes fast, but is not important — like fashion.
First of all, make sure your refrigerator is running at 40 degrees or below, because most food-borne bacteria grow slowly at this temperature.
The sessions were at the most successful when the biologists had swum slowly with the dolphins beforehand, particularly if they had made eye contact and mimicked each other's movements.
This won't make your application any faster, but it helps you understand when things are running slowly, and which parts of your code are taking the most time.
If JIT is disabled JVM starts quickly but in most cases runs slowly as all byte-code is being interpreted.
Change is most effective when it occurs slowly, allowing behaviors to become automatic.
In the largest cities, where policy restrictions have been most consistently applied, property prices rose slowly.
Research into longevity, that most fundamental and intractable of all human health challenges, moves slowly.
This is how most of the real geniuses throughout history went about their work. Quietly, slowly, calmly, persistently.
I had only gone a half a block at most very slowly when I saw a very bright light through the fog.
Most of the power would be exported to Brazil to start with, but the proportions would slowly reverse and after 30 years Peru would own the $4 billion project.
As IE6 is still the most widely-used browser, roughly 50% (and, slowly, falling) of the market has next to no CSS 3 support at all. A sobering thought.
Unfortunately, it's easy to get distracted and forget what is most important. It's easy to drift away from what matters most and slowly get off course.