Theone reason anyone would ever hate you is because of their own self hatred.
The plug-in model we use today is largely theone inherited from the web’s early days.
Theone certainty isthatno developed world politician will trumpet support for regulatory arbitrage.
So too, they say, are most of the 73,784 bridges that, like theone in Minnesota,are classified as “structurally deficient”.
In some cases the schedulingof a logical link results in changing to a different physical channel from theone that was previously used.
theone that says that your work isthe yardstick against which all otherwork is to be measured — what could bemore respectful than having yourwork made into the gold standard?
这是尊敬和不尊敬的一种奇怪混合。 尊敬是指很难想象能找到比把你的作品作为衡量别人作品的标准更尊敬的姿态了——这可能比把你的作品当成金本位更尊敬?