How, we wonder, could so many passers-by have so callously ignored the girl's plight?
"It makes me ill how callously people talk about ripping their clients off," Smith wrote.
Mr Putin callously said at the time that Politkovskaya's work had minimal impact in Russia.
Ordinarily, a man who would callously let a woman die and orphan her children would be called a monster;
No matter how callously defined, neither America? S interests — nor the world? S — are served by the denial of human aspirations.
Those women continued, however, to be skinflints, and the men remained callously indifferent to those less fortunate than themselves.
He wants to know if they are the same men who so callously broke their father's heart by selling Joseph, his father's favorite, so many years ago.
Ordinarily, a man who would callously let a woman die and orphan her children would be called a monster; this should not change just because he is a cleric.
Her memories of father are of a cold stern man with his gloved hand artificially inseminating restrained bleating cows, or callously shipping off her beloved calves for sale.
If you're a homeowner, you already knew it was only a matter of time for yours, but you've resisted admitting it, even as erosion callously attacked, starting with your savings.
They shock us now, those women who bucked convention and did things the way men have often done-just as selfishly and callously-denying maternity in a way that seems to defy nature.