Auth - a hash containing authorization parameters.
auth -包含授权参数的一个hash。
Must be set to True when using an auth-method.
在使用auth - method时必须设置为True。
The auth-constraints macro is a little more complicated.
auth - constraints宏比较复杂。
The auth method checks to see if a User is in the session.
Once connected, you call the auth method with the password.
一旦连接上了,您可以使用密码来调用 auth 方法。
A client auth plug-in performs authentication on the client.
Client-side authentication security plug-in (client auth plug-in).
Server-side authentication security plug-in (server auth plug-in).
The value could be auth, account, session or password module types.
A server auth plug-in performs authentication on the database server.
Set the sfmAlias as the auth alias where required, as shown in figure 21.
设置 sfmAlias 作为身份验证别名,如图 21 所示。
Auth-constraints contains two extra features that aren't being used in the example.
auth - constraints包含两个额外特性,但是并没有在这个例子中使用。
S option: the fully qualified path and the plug-in name for the server-side auth plug-in.
s option:服务器端身份验证插件的全限定路径和插件名称。
C option: the fully qualified path and the plug-in name for the client-side auth plug-in.
c option:客户端身份验证插件的全限定路径和插件名称。
For form auth-method, login happens using a login page configured using form-login-config.
对于form auth - method,将使用一个登录页面(使用form - login - config进行配置)进行登录。
In the Management Console, select Servers > Server Auth and enter information to create the object.
在管理 控制台下,选择 Servers > Server Auth 并输入相关信息创建 对象。
Auth has to do with user identification-for example, through entering a user name and password.
Per_Connection_Factory corresponds to the Application value of the res-auth deployment descriptor.
Per_Connection_Factory与res - auth部署描述符的application值一致。
You can then make the server private if you so desire by configuring Basic-Auth on your web server.
通过在Web服务器上配置Basic - Auth,您可以将服务器变为私有。
Also, you can use include rules, as in auth include common-account, to include rules from other files.
另外,可以使用include规则以包含其他文件中的规则,比如auth include common - account。
For non-CMP applications, the resource authentication is identified by the res-auth deployment descriptor.
对于非cmp应用程序,资源认证由res - auth部署描述符来标识。
It defines a function with a single argument, credentials, which will be used by the auth-constraints macro.
它定义一个具有单一参数credentials的函数,供auth - constraints宏使用。
Choose the role, namely Payroll Auth, and click Map users to add particular users or Map groups for adding groups.
选择一个角色,命名为Payroll Auth,然后单击Map users为添加组添加特殊用户或者Map groups。
Pam_wheel only provides root access to members of group wheel; the required line is auth required
pam_wheel只向wheel组的成员提供根访问权;必需的行是auth required pam_wheel . so。
A session cookie in conjunction with a random auth token or auth login validation is both reasonable mechanisms.
Therefore, it is common to see both a client auth plug-in and a server auth plug-in specified on a database server.
In this example, the value BASIC for auth-method means the login will be using a dialog box displayed by the browser.
在这个示例中,auth - method的值BASIC意味着将使用由浏览器显示的一个对话框来进行登录。
The downloads directory gives both registered-users and administrators access, as defined within auth-constraint tags.
downloads目录允许registered - users和administrators访问,正如auth - constraint标记中所定义的那样。
For this auth-method, you can optionally specify a value for realm-name, which will be displayed in the dialog for login.
对于这个auth - method,您可以有选择地指定一个用于realm - name的值,它将在用于登录的对话框中显示。
The login name that you define in the Build Forge server auth must be able to access the source files to run the analysis.
您定义在 Build Forge 服务器上的登陆名认证必须要能够访问到源文件来执行分析过程。