I think he might have done so.
In evil hands it might have done great evil.
But this hurt him less than it might have done.
We might have done this one. Okay what causes what?
With two good eyes, who knows what he might have done.
Do your best to do today, tomorrow you might have done better.
The dust may be settling on this dispute more quickly than it might have done.
If you can see it this way, the result will not hit you as hard as it might have done.
In so doing you are helping manifest them quicker than they might have done otherwise.
Whatever it is you might have done, don't let it keep simmering after the summer is over.
Jo came to realize that if she had lived Patrick's life, she might have done what he did.
Perhaps he might have done more to capture the sheer weirdness of Dickens's fictional world.
Powers like these might have done something about Greece. But would they have saved Spain or Ireland?
The international relief effort has been doing less to help the flood victims than it might have done.
What we don't know from this data is how children might have done with life skills in the pre-computer age.
Asked what he might have done better, Mr. Paulson replied, "I could have made a better case to the public."
The fact that you might have done enough to escape prosecution would not mean that you were behaving fairly.
There were hopes that Mr Wright might have done this; he was in Washington for a conference on the black church.
He might have done much more had he used his vast power and popularity to do something other than protect his own interests.
Yeah, that may be, but then why does he only show me my errors and never say anything about what I might have done right?
Had it come to pass, decimal time and decimal angular measurement might have done for the 19th century what GPS did for the 20th.
Turkish generals started to mutter that they might have done better in Brussels if they had joined the Warsaw Pact, not NATO.
Things such as nuts and rasins can be yummy, but won't have as much of an effect on your waistband as chocolate might have done.
In practice, however, many tended to leave these sects or marry outside them and consequently have less children than they might have done.
To test the theory, the scientists recreated what ancient tool makers might have done by heating a pile of silcrete stone in a fire pit.
You might have done quite a bit, but never quite got around to getting the rest and relaxation you need and now it's time to start all over.
Robinson smiles, as if to admit the absurdity of a man jumping into a bear fight. But in his eyes there's a hint that he might have done it.
In addition to this, if you take the bus a lot, then you should try getting off a couple of stops earlier than you might have done in the past.
Indeed, the equity bear market of 2000-03 did notresult in a banking crisis, as it might have done 30 years ago, when derivativeswere still rare.
事实上,2000[font=宋体]到2003[font=宋体]年股票市场的熊市并没有引来一场银行危机。 而如果在衍生品并不多见的30[font=宋体]年前,这是必然结果。