That is, spin a yarn; well I can do that.
Tell lies! That is, spin a yarn; well I can do that.
We children all like Uncle Jim because he can always spin a yarn to amuse us.
According to the findings, we are most likely to spin a yarn to our mothers, with 25 per cent of men and 20 per cent of women admitting to this.
Your sign is known for extraordinary ability to spin a yarn that is so enthralling and believable, no one can stop reading or listening to what you have to say.
The answer, it turns out, is to spin a good yarn. Because storytelling techniques can help teach safe kitchen practices, according to a study in the British Food journal.
In a warehouse, modern machines spin wool into yarn.
Indeed, even when someone's memory is patchy, he will still do his best to spin the information he has into a credible yarn.
The guide volunteered to spin us a yarn on the way.
This paper proceeds from the forming principle and the structure of a yarn of air-jet Spinning, We analyse the change in the yarn Struture When air-jet Spin-ning yarn is untwisted.
Betty is trying to spin enough llama yarn to make a sweater.