Though plenty of dirt was moved to create the 10th, a number of interesting angles are the worthwhile result.
It's a worthwhile idea, but one result of paying above-market wages is that those in charge of hiring often demand bribes - sometimes a month's salary - in exchange for a job.
The @arg_sayer() example goes through a lot of contortions to obtain a rather limited result, but it is worthwhile for the several things it illustrates
@arg_sayer() 绕了很多弯路,但只获得非常有限的结果,不过对于它所阐明的几方面来说,这是值得的
The overall result is rather coarse, but effort directed at achieving the highest percentage brings with it the worthwhile side-effect of advancing the testing effort.
However, as with any worthwhile goal, you have to get out there and put in the hard work in order to get to the desired end result.
The application result shows that improving the crossings of the old town by means of traffic organization is feasible and a crossing improvement method worthwhile for popularization.
It's really worthwhile subject to be studied how to achieve a good result without paying too much lose.
As a result, it is worthwhile to ascertain whether knowledge for the purpose of successful hunting an ideal job, or that without any utilitarian function.
The comparison of the result of the optimum operation and the practice of engineering design indicates that the research is significant worthwhile of reference.
The result of case study showed that the precision of the said model was rather high, and it is worthwhile …
The result of case study showed that the precision of the said model was rather high, and it is worthwhile to be popularized.