Nuclear DNA was successfully extracted from a 13,000-year-old emu eggshell and a giant moa eggshel.
细胞核 DNA 成功地从一只1.3万年前的鸸鹋蛋壳和一只巨大的恐鸟蛋壳中被提取出来了。
The MOA warned that more wheat crop could perish if drought continues to linger.
A new model of leakage current tester of MOA (metal oxide arrester) is introduced.
Line type MOA is an effective means for lightning protection of transmission line.
MOA; voltage deviation; finite element; partial capacitance; potential distribution.
MOA; valve piece; resistive current; infrared detection; frequency reference voltage.
Also the status of RYC Series gaps parallel resistor in application of MOA is described.
给出了RY C型串联间隙并联电阻器在金属氧化物避雷器中的应用情况。
A new application of BP neural-network to MOA fault diagnosis is introduced in this paper.
Objective Exploring Construct Validity of Mutuality of Autonomy Scale(MOA)in Rorschach Test.
Big extinct birds such as the giant moa, thunderbirds and elephant birds all left eggshells behind them.
The collection includes natural history from penguins to the extinct giant moa, fish, birds, and insects.
The quantity of MOA installed in UHV substation should be increased to suppress the lightning invaded over-voltage.
The Diro eggshell (Dinornis robustus) from the South Island moa was one used to pinpoint genetic material by researchers
来自新西兰南岛的恐鸟(Dinornis robustus)摩亚的蛋壳化石成为研究目标,研究者们从中成功获取基因信息
Compared with - star connection MOA, the limiting effect of phase - - phase overvoltage - star connection MOA is better.
The moa was another flightless giant bird that lived in New Zealand until it was hunted to extinction in the 18th century.
Mean while, a new method of measuring the resistive cur-rent by means of collecting the signal only from MOA was introduced.
Genetic material was pinpointed for the giant moa and 10ft tall, half tonne elephant birds that died out hundreds of years ago.
Measuring the resistive current of MOA is very important for checking whether MOA is damped and indicating the service status of MOA.
The effect was obvious to select four-star connection MOA was a main protector to limit overvoltage in operation of a vacuum disconnector.
MOA-2007-BLG-192-L b, or more succinctly MOA-192 b, may not have the catchiest name in the galaxy, but it's an interesting planet nonetheless.
MOA - 2007 - BLG - 192 - L b也可以简称MOA - 192 b。或许名字算不上朗朗上口,但仍然是很有意思的一颗行星。
Based on analysis it is considered that the development and test of HVDC MOA are very complex in contrast with relatively maturation HVAC MOA.
A new method be gived to measure MOA′s resistive fundamental harmonic leakage current(RFHC)by over-zero & harmonic analysis methods accurately.
The functions of this meter include RLC meter, dielectric loss angel meter, MOA meter, electric meter, direct-resistance meter and check gauge.
该测试装置能够完成的测试功能相当于:RLC 测试仪、介质损耗角测试仪、MOA 测试仪、电气参数测试仪、直流电阻测试仪以及电表校验仪。
Paper covers temporary overvoltages, second arc current, switching overvoltage, major parameters of MOA and insulation level of UHV AC apparatus.
The treatment method for stress suspended conductor in static electric field and its application in stress distribution calculation of MOA is presented.
According to the over - voltage values on the above equipment, the protective scheme adopting mental oxide arrestor (MOA) are correspondingly presented.
These factors including distribution of circuit breakers closing Angle, rated voltage of MOA and the insulation level of transmission line are considered.
Using new techniques we obtain DNA signatures from a variety of fossil eggshells, including the extinct moa and elephant birds and 19, 000-year-old old emu.