When we pay credit notes out to your bank account, your bank charges you high bank fees per transfer.
Ensure all credit notes are posted correctly to reconcile against supplier statements and printed on the remittance advice.
The central reserve city Banks could pyramid notes and deposits on top of gold, and thereby generate multiple inverse pyramids of monetary expansion on top of their own expansion of credit.
Credit derivatives are soaring in value and payment-in-kind notes (which pay interest with more debt, rather than cash) are in vogue.
Credit spreads on junk bonds, which are an indication of future default rates, rose from 260 basis points over Treasury notes in early 2007 to 1,200 basis points in late 2008 (see chart).
Handling the legal matters in terms of commercial notes, foreign exchange, letter of credit, loan guarantee, insurance remedy claim, trust, etc.
At present, the rural credit cooperatives and professional Banks do not have a system of inter system notes query network, a number of professional Banks do not accept the credit.
Besides, our country's social credit system is imperfect, thereby leading to some credit risks of both short-term finance bonds and medium-term notes.
By definition, commercial paper consists of short-term, unsecured promissory notes issued by well-known companies that are financially strong and carry high credit ratings.
The total stock of money in an economy, including notes and coins, loans, credit and other liquid instruments.
If you have excessive debt and notes - as a few car loans, credit CARDS in the back of debt and other, similar things less - you may not be in the housing loan.
If you hand in all notes and they are satisfactory, you will receive full credit for them.