The Chinese are sensitive to the melody produced by Neapolitan songs, perhaps the most famous melodic songs in the world like "O sole mio".
Welcome to Akiyama Mio Fan Club!
NOT gonna happen. We can′t pay 60 mio. to 4 players.
The total costs of the partnership amounted EUR 6,3 Mio.
Durability issues. Mio customer service difficult to reach.
Thank you for your love Mio "yesterday, " Mio "need your care.
I think Mama Mio products are so forward thinking and a total breakthrough for women.
MAMA MIO的产品有很超前并且是对女性的一个突破。
To also go in a hurry, hurry, also from mio one thousand kinds, looking forward to a reunion.
The bassist Mio made one small, fatal error and lost her fire, costing her the victory and the Ruby Necklace that day.
And a major irritation for me was that the '390s wouldn't lock on to the MIO 2882 when I played back music sampled at rates higher than 48khz.
而且主要的刺激因为我是那' 390 S不锁定到我玩以比率被抽取样品的后面音乐比48仟赫高的MIO 2882。
Mio kept her ground and tried to focus on obtaining a victory, but Taiga, once again, managed to trample over her-this time, by a mere two votes.
As the two prepare to collide once again, can Mio finally obtain a victory on her third try from her Nemesis, or will Taiga knock her down just like previously?
He said: We assume that a proposition is absolutely imitate the natural person who, when he see the "Cantar DE Mio Cid" and the performances will surely ask: "how?"
"The Chinese are very sensitive to the melody produced by Neapolitan songs, perhaps the most famous melodic songs in the world like "O sole mio" and "Torna a Surriento".