This creates the most sterile environment known in nature and protects the hive against disease.
A new baby is coming out of a sterile environment, having received all its nutrients intravenously through the placenta.
Because the gastrointestinal tract is not a sterile environment, so bacteremia caused by EUS-FNA is also concerned.
因为EUS - FNA所经过的胃肠道并非无菌环境,所以EUS - FNA引发的菌血症也备受人们关注。
Only minimal training is required and no external power, electricity, equipment, clean water, or sterile environment is needed.
Taylor dismissed any health concerns, saying the cockroaches were raised in a sterile environment and were as safe to eat as shrimp or lobster with high nutritional value.
In a perfectly controlled and totally sterile environment — uncontaminated by dirt, insects or fresh air — Japanese scientists are developing a new way of growing vegetables.
Even animals that are kept in an absolutely sterile environment can suffer from "clogging" or "furring" of the arteries when their food contains high levels of cholesterol.
Aseptic packaging technology refers to a method of filling and sealing in a sterile environment after products to be packaged and packaging containers, materials or AIDS are sterilized.
As might be guessed by the name, environment is extremely important for an Environmental. Sterile filing cabinets and strict systems don't work well for them.
Does the environment look sterile and devoid of personality?
Methods We made some responsive management systems related to medical staff, diagnosing and treating environment, sterilization instrument, sterile methods and procedure, hygienic monitoring, etc.
Hirst also implies that life cannot be reduced to mere functionality, within a sterile and artificial environment.
Operating room environment and conditions for poor and obsolete equipment, lack of sterile concepts, such as surgery often fly insect fly into.
Conclusion: the sterile effect of stable - magnetic field was closely associated with the strain characteristics, environment temperatures and disposal time.
With advanced equipment and qualified environment and package, are met, the expiry date for the sterile stuff may be extended in damp season.
To simplify transportation and minimize the risk of contamination, fabs make use of "front-opening unified pods, " or FOUPs. Each one holds 25 wafers in a sterile, clean environment.
Objective To observe the efficacy of air disinfection-purifying device in disinfection of air in underground sterile supply room under dump environment in south of China.