Rather than something to play down, you recast it as a marketable skill.
Danny chose the taxicab because driving was about the only marketable skill he possessed.
Danny chooses the taxicab because driving is about the only marketable skill he possessed.
This isn't the most marketable skill, but to get bloodstains out of wallpaper, put on a paste of cornstarch and cold water.
Looking at the current economic gloom, I even resent myself for pursuing paper qualification blindly as it means I will end up without a valuable and marketable skill.
And look at the bright side: With the economy still shaky and unemployment stubbornly high, her decision to pursue a specific marketable skill may turn out to be smarter than you think.
Others don't even have a skill that they believe is marketable and as such, it's extremely difficult to find a job.
"Everyone has to make the assessment of how marketable their skill set is or how transferable," Mr. Horan said. "My human capital is squarely tied to the financial industry."
This isn’t the most marketable job skill, but to getbloodstains out of wallpaper, put on a paste of cornstarch and cold water.
But to the contrary, the ability to write conversationally is a highly valued-and marketable-skill.