Sound is like clay that he sculpts to his purpose.
The Tennessee River sculpts the east side of the Cumberland Plateau.
For her, the use of different media is how she sculpts her ideas and artworks from different angles.
It's not something that happens every day to you is it, that someone sculpts something on your hands.
Working with weights sculpts your muscles, while the cycle, treadmill, and rower are great for fat-burning.
He used to paint, but it wasn't enough for him, he wanted to "feel shape". Mainly he sculpts his fellow villagers.
Balloon decorations, such as balloon arch, balloon pillars, balloon man, balloon wall, balloon bouquets, balloon stages, and other balloon sculpts.
Decoration material is not only the carrier of sculpts, but also can express a kind of harmony with the environment according to the material essence.
He is an artist who sculpts, draws and paints and with the help of his young (sixty five year-old) wife, manages his own successful commercial art gallery.
It's so incredible to see such ornate and florid colors and luster, to appreciate the pliable and smooth sculpts, among of which had its own uniqueness and verve.
Excellent package sculpts is the visual explaining of the three-dimensional space, which based on application of material and the frame of reference of principle and law of beauty.
Sloping roof window is one of the popular means of design in civil architecture because of the obvious advantages of plentiful sculpts, excellent view and the high quality with low price level.
老虎窗具有造型丰富、视线良好、物美价廉的优点 ,是目前民用建筑在坡屋顶常用的设计手段之一。