近12年出现 0 次
phr 极度劳累
phr. 极度劳累
cause to fail, wear out, or become exhausted especially from overwork or overuse
vphr. 熄灭;燃尽;烧尽;烧坏;烧光;停止工作;极度劳累;精疲力尽;心灰意冷;使筋疲力尽;使(过度工作而)失去热情;使失去健康
Fires in California continue to burn out of control, and several small towns in the forests near San Francisco are still in danger.
The inventor Henry Bessemer discovered that directing a blast of air at melted iron in a furnace would burn out the impurities that made the iron brittle.
Run too fast and you'll burn out.
If we answer this call to often we burn out.
The man is rarely the burn out the mistakes.
If you are constantly overwhelmed, you will burn out.
If you build a fire, then merely sit and watch it, it will burn out.
Many people work their muscles hard at the gym for a couple of weeks, then burn out.
Unlike other light sources, LEDs don't "burn out;" they simply get dimmer over time.
I've seen way too many marketing professionals burn out and stray away from the basics.
Loneliness, homesickness and 'burn out' are the main psychological problems you may face.
The sun will burn out in due course, and we have to be off this planet if our species is to survive.
I think that's a big reason why so many people (and especially entrepreneurs) burn out so quickly.
These are natural rhythms and following these rhythms are important, because if you don't, you will burn out.
On top of that, lasers last for a long time, whereas xenon lamps burn out and need to be replaced periodically.
The Harvard admissions office has an essay on its Web site called "Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation.
Don't try to run the whole show or do most of the work. Others will become less involved. And you will burn out.
Another less-than-obvious truth is that it's not worth waiting for your old bulbs to burn out before you fit the new ones.
In fact, research shows that happy employees are better paid, enjoy more job security and are less likely to quit or burn out.
Without clear feedback, Lewis warns, you are apt to burn out faster because you will not have clear goals or accurate measurement.
Think of your metabolism like a camp fire. If you don’t want a camp fire to burn out, you have to constantly add wood and logs to it.
Think of your metabolism like a camp fire. If you don't want a camp fire to burn out, you have to constantly add wood and logs to it.
That is necessary because the balloon concentrates sunlight up to 400 times, and without this cooling the cell would quickly burn out.
Bob Lefsetz, a veteran industry figure, speculates that music games, which burst onto the scene in 2005, could burn out just as quickly.
一个经验丰富的行业人物bob Lefsetz推测:音乐游戏这一2005年的突起新秀可能去势很快。
Some business owners burn out quickly from having to carry all the responsibility for the success of their business on their own shoulders.
Daniel Isquith, who has taught math at Calhounfor eight years, said he was initially “worried the kids would burn out” duringthe long classes.
The track of every single firework, including the accurate time to lift, reach the highest point and burn out, will be controlled by computers.
"They will burn out, they will get sick, and there will be no other option but to place someone in a nursing home, which is what nobody wants," Feinberg says.
近12年出现 0 次
phr 极度劳累
phr. 极度劳累
cause to fail, wear out, or become exhausted especially from overwork or overuse