There's just intense interest globally.
There is also an intense interest in China's future path.
Informal Arousing intense interest, excitement, or controversy.
He had demonstrated an unusually intense interest in books since childhood.
The contest has sparked intense interest among researchers and within the car industry.
For its unique environment, ecologists around the world show intense interest in the region.
The mathematical characterisation of stock market movements has been a subject of intense interest.
This is something we have often seen before, an intense interest that elephants show towards their dead.
The Chinese and Americans have always had an intense interest in and cared deeply about each other.
The success in any sphere of human activity is often attributed to intense interest plus persistent efforts.
All I could do was open and close my eyes and I watched with intense interest the recording of my own cardiogram.
Now, this once-worrisome gap in the fossil record is a period of intense interest to geologists as well as paleontologists.
Since 2002, there has been intense interest in follow-up observations of NGC 6240, as well as a search for similar systems.
Marina : I don’t believe that any single, early life experience with dolls is responsible for my intense interest in making them.
马瑞娜: 我没觉得有哪一件特别的事情让我对制作娃娃有了这么强烈的兴趣。
Reduction of rates of surgical site infections promises to be an area of intense interest and activity in the foreseeable future.
In recent years there has been intense interest in the design of pseudo-peptide oligomers that fold into well - defined secondary structures.
My bag is blocking her line of sight, including the purchase of the limbs in the domestic dynamic transfer of small toys from her intense interest.
And if you're blogging about your field, you'll build credibility as someone who, at a minimum, has an intense interest in and passion for the field.
Stent thrombosis (st) after percutaneous coronary intervention has been the focus of intense interest because of its attendant morbidity and mortality.
He was, in turn, amused by her finding these people exotic, and, as always, charmed by her intense interest in anything new and foreign to her experience.
Human infants have an intense interest in people and their behavior and possess powerful implicit learning mechanisms that are affected by social interaction.
He had demonstrated an unusually intense interest in books since childhood. So fascinated with books was he that he never let a day pass without doing some reading.
Criticism has been increasing for years about the lack of civility on the part of some parents who take an intense interest in their youngsters' sporting activities.
There's nothing like the exchange of two firebrands, each with tens of millions of followers on a microblog, to spark an intense interest in matters of wider ramification.
The rational harmonic mode-locking has become a research subject of intense interest due to its application on the generation of ultra- high repetition frequency optical pulse train.
The sun's internal dynamics were the subject of intense interest over the last few years as the normal waxing and waning of solar activity did not follow past cycles as closely as anticipated.