Zhang's remarks were criticized as being imbalanced and misguiding.
This makes me think if the above points are misguiding or I didn't implement it correctly.
On the objective aspect, the harmful behaviors consist of illusive statement, misguiding statement and important omission.
This kind of attitude of life precludes people's mind from misguiding the operation of the Nature and the arrangement of Tao.
After the release of his latest comedy, Personal Tailor, he threw down the gauntlet to the nation's film critics, whom he charged with deliberately misguiding the public.
A misguiding force in Poker is to be concerned with 'how much of that money in the pot is mine'. Hit yourself in the head every time that suggestion even creeps into your mind.
扑克牌的一个 误导是总筹码中有多少钱是我的'。 击中你自己每一次在头中,那个提议甚至缠附在你的思想。