Least rousing, he thinks, was rational argument, although his co-authors say reason might play a bigger role.
According to a paper in 2011 by Mr. Hsiang and co-authors, civil conflict is related to El Nino's harmful effects.
Spurred on by funding policies, half of the European research articles had international co-authors in 2007, this is more than twice the level of two decades ago.
In recent years, I have done most of my research with these co-authors.
"It seems they missed the mark here," said Jon Morris, one of the co-authors.
They managed to get "Foldit players" featured as co-authors of the Nature paper.
The Positive Synergies report has its limitations, which the co-authors readily admit.
In a recent paper*, Mr Stark and his co-authors investigate internal migration instead.
Mr Werning and his co-authors have so far derived at least two theoretical results of note.
In it, Alexander and his co-authors explored 253 architectural design patterns. For example.
For these countries Mr Ghosh and his co-authors advocate debt restructuring in advance of monetary easing.
Like on Tumblr, users can also open mini-blogs using their main account, and assign other users as co-authors.
She and fellow psychologist Barbara Greenberg are co-authors of a new book called Teenage as a Second Language.
Jonathan Caulkins and Angela Hawken, occasional co-authors, teach at Carnegie Mellon and Pepperdine universities respectively.
The security issues of modern human societies are analogous to those of many organisms, according to Sagarin and his co-authors.
Co-authors on the papers include colleagues at Chungbuk National University in South Korea and SRI International in Menlo Park, Calif.
But on the other hand, remember that Rule and his co-authors largely controlled for these superficial giveaways in their stimulus photos.
Article 13 Where a work is created jointly by two or more co-authors, the copyright in the work shall be enjoyed jointly by those co-authors.
"If the water quality cannot be ameliorated effectively, the aquatic life populations will be further decimated," Mr. Du and his co-authors wrote.
In Competing with Information, 15 Donald Marchand and his co-authors highlight the breadth of the practical, commercial applications of tech- nology.
在《与信息竞争》15一书中 ,DonaldMarchand 和他的合著者强调了科技商业化广泛实际应用的重要性。
They use names, as well as words in the abstract and all kinds of "metadata," such as affiliation, scientific field, co-authors, address, and citations.
"There are surely limits of wisdom and prudence on federal spending," Mr Galbraith and his co-authors have written, "but there is no operational limit."
'These are things you choose to do, rather than have to do,' notes one of the study's co-authors, Prof. Schkade of the University of California, San Diego.
该研究报告的作者之一、加州大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California, San Diego)的施卡德教授指出,这些事情都是你选择去做的,而不是被迫去做的。
She and her co-authors found that marketers take advantage of boys’ need to forge their identity in adolescence and sell them a narrow version of masculinity.
In the end, ten of Wakefield's co-authors retracted their support for the original research, saying that in retrospect the results as reported were not valid.