Time is a non-renewable resource, wherever you are, whatever the time of day.
You drive places you could easily walk, burning gasoline (a non-renewable resource).
In a sense, our voice is non-renewable resource, and it is vital to know how to adjust and use it.
The economics of exhaustible resources emphasizes: non-renewable resource strengthens its relative scarcity and making a reasonable price can protect the resources.
Petroleum is a non-renewable resource, and many oil fields are now getting depleted because of massive demand by consumers and industries that use fossil fuel products.
With the rapidly development of world economy and rapidly growth of population, it makes the demand for various natural resources increase day by day, especially non-renewable resource.
The petroleum is the important and non-renewable resource. With the success of the three major petroleum company listed abroad, people attention economic benefits of the petroleum enterprise better.
They provide us with the environmentally sound renewable resource of wood, fuel for energy and many non-wood products, including food, fodder, medicines, building materials and cosmetics.
We will have cooperation with other countries in the use of rare earths, because it is a non-renewable energy resource.
Non - renewable resources refer to the resources that can - not reproduce after using, including mineral resources and geotherm al resource.
The petroleum resource is a kind of important state-run non-renewable natural resource, it plays an important role in national economic construction, and it belongs to resource asset.
Phosphorus is a non-renewable and limited resource, and is also the key element that causes eutrophication of waters.
As the energy on the earth is limited, especially the oil resource is non-renewable, therefore the petroleum becomes a global strategic resource.