There are pretenders among us.
Scan your pretenders for romance!
Pretenders turned Kings can be ransomed now.
But humility is only a temporary state for pretenders.
A hypocrite is a pretender, and people are right, there are pretenders in the church.
你们说的对, 伪君子就是一个假冒伪善者, 在教会里也有假冒伪善的人。
A management shake-up this week has brought a new crop of pretenders into sharper focus.
When challenged about their problematic conduct, pretenders will often humble themselves.
But there are pretenders everywhere in life and that does not stop us from participating.
When Anderson and Kilduff checked the participants' work, however, a lot of pretenders were exposed.
But now the salt and pepper elite are facing competition from young pretenders who are paying to turn grey.
Extrapolation is always risky, but there seems every chance that the relative weight of the new pretenders will rise.
During the War of the Ninepenny Kings, Selmy had cut a bloody path through their ranks to slay the last of the Blackfyre Pretenders.
And while it is not over yet, or even close to it, United asserted themselves when it mattered last night to cast their red shadow over all the pretenders to the throne.
Ernest Rose (left), garbed in a Republican elephant costume, greets Todd Belin, resembling John McCain, at the Pier House Pretenders in Paradise Costume Contest in Key West, Florida
佛罗里达基韦斯特,Ernest Rose(左),穿着共和党的大象服装,问候长的极像约翰-麦凯恩的Todd Belin。
Kublai Khan spent most of his reign expanding his domain and vanquishing pretenders to his throne - in the process historians say he laid the foundations of the modern Chinese state.