DEMOUNTABLE FRONT BUMPER, impact resistant 6mm steel plate.
A repository for demountable recorded media, such as magnetic disk packs and magnetic tapes.
All internal partitions are demountable providing total flexibility on future space planning standards.
The demountable type meal plate, the convenient clean, favor cleanly, after the disassembling also may save the collection the space.
The structure of the home shopping cart adopted "demountable design" and the recycle materials, which showed the "green design" concept.
Has the stationary type, the demountable type or the foldaway three kind of structures and the typeface, the form, the net type three kind of forms.
To organize the exhibitions in the hall mobile and demountable constructions are used that can be moved completely to the room adjusted to the hall if necessary.
The problems exist in the mixing drum scraper device of Shaogang sintering plant were analyzed, and the new structure of subsection and demountable scraper was presented.
In addition, because the two pieces of the lateral box plates and the back plate are in demountable connection by the bolts, the conveying and the storing are very convenient.
另 外,由于二个侧箱板与后端板通过螺检构成可拆卸连接,因而,搬运存放极为 方便。