Modern blimps use helium instead of hydrogen to maintain buoyancy.
Unlike other aircraft, blimps do not need to form a precise aerodynamic shape.
It made unambiguous, even to the most nostalgic blimps, America's supremacy over its Western Allies.
As a result blimps, adjusted to hover at appropriate heights, are often used to relay data to and from satellites.
Although certainly slower that hopping on a jet, the hybrid blimps are nearly silent and require very little infrastructure to take off and land.
In November 2008 Aerostar International of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, began filling a $1.8m order for 36 blimps to be deployed by the American armed forces in Iraq.
Platforms for aerial photography include fixed-wingaircraft, helicopters, balloons, blimps and dirigibles, rockets, kites, poles, parachutes, vehicle mounted poles .
Its prolific output of ideas includes blimps creeping nose-to-tail around cities, with seats hanging off them just above the ground so that people can jump on and off at will.
It has got around the state monopoly on advertising by deploying its trademark blimps, and pre-empted objections to that by using them to advocate a worthy cause: safe driving.
This means that like a traditional, round ballon-and unlike the elongated dirigible blimps that have hitherto been used as serious modes of commercial transport-the craft is "directionless".
At least 20 countries use blimps—both global military powers, such as America, Britain and France, and smaller regional ones, including Ireland, Pakistan, Poland and the United Arab Emirates.