Dudley provided the only musical interludes.
Occasional interludes of family drama film rarely, but very delicate.
In the peaceful interludes the plant turned out fleets of Ford Escorts, a popular family car.
Apart from a few brief interludes during the depths of the financial crisis, that's as low as it's been for several years.
During this process, the extortion of confessions of the other reasons for a relatively brief interludes in the exposition.
Those who cause synergy in friendship or partnership will discover dragon dreaming interludes that foray for a beautiful dream in the life.
In Journey to the West, the influence of folk story-telling and singing manifest itself in three aspects: numerous interludes of pop librettos;
《西游记》中的民间说唱遗存主要表现在三个方面:通俗唱词的大量穿插; 故事情节模式化现象比较突出;
I've personally remixed this series with energetic music and motivating interludes so that you can quickly and effectively conquer the English language.
J. Pierpont Morgan observed, in one of his analytical interludes, that a person usually has two reasons for doing a thing: one that sounds good and a real one.
Interludes of spoken Sufi poetry interrupt the music, typically beginning at a low register and gradually ascending to a climax before calming back down to the beginning tone.
Its rough shape, the pattern Zhizhuo, strong colors, strange to imagine lines interludes changes, making Zhongjian good and evil with their own characteristics, both pure and delicate.
Crude mad shapes, patterns of Zhizhuo, strong colors, strange to imagine lines interludes changes, making Zhongjian good and evil with their own characteristics, both pure and delicate.
Consider video games, which aren't even sites at all: here and there, the games are forced to resort to cut scenes or interludes where the player is passive while getting necessary information.