We need to change the way we teach engineering to make it an enjoyable experience for students.
It is believed that taking the panda-themed tourist train to Zunyi is an enjoyable experience.
All in all I found Lively to be an enjoyable experience so far.
And hope FeedSquares will be an enjoyable experience for you all.
并希望FeedS quares能给大家带来愉快的体验。
Though demanding patience and time, it is an enjoyable experience.
It can help us conjure up a mood or remind us of an enjoyable experience.
Going out to dinner with family for me is always an enjoyable experience.
Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable experience walking in an enormous glass box.
Shopping online will become a quick and enjoyable experience with this feature.
And selfless ACTS can also become a more enjoyable experience for you and your spouse.
Preparation for the green tea cup is as enjoyable experience as the real taste and Aroma itself.
Allows you to purchase the aircraft, the feelings of excitement, exciting and enjoyable experience.
And selfless ACTS can also help your marriage become a more enjoyable experience for you and your spouse.
Proper technique will ensure less injury and a much more enjoyable experience each time you go out.
What if we could reverse the annoyance of having a job, and turn it into a fun and enjoyable experience?
You can therefore be sure that what remains of this cycle will pass by in a flash, but it will be the most enjoyable experience.
Seclusive Jiangnan Boutique Hotel is equipped with restaurant, cafe, library, gallery and residence to provide an enjoyable experience.
Merely living longer is not worth doing unless it is an enjoyable experience. Rule ten is that you should smile and feel happier in life.
We spend a significant portion of our lives working, so why not do all we can to create a positive and enjoyable experience in the workplace?
Scieszka himself says that young people have to be reminded that reading is fun and can be an interactive, enjoyable experience, not a chore.
While the hardware elements are fairly standard, it is their combination with subtle effects that created an engaging and enjoyable experience for users.
And there is one to match everyone's taste, so go ahead pick up a bathroom-ceiling fan and make the time you spend in your bathroom an enjoyable experience.
I believe that learning should be an enjoyable experience and therefore language should be learnt from a point of interest and not just from dry text books.
Eating slowly at the dinner table rather than bolting your food down will keep you slim and make dining a far more enjoyable experience, a new study has found.
Wandering along the river, we agreed that not only had we found new friends, but we had just spent probably the most enjoyable experience of our trip to Russia.