Widows seem to experience more distress than widowers.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》The effect was first noted in 1858 by William Farr, who wrote that widows and widowers were at a much higher risk of dying than their married peers.
1858年,威廉·法尔(William Farr)首次发现了这一效应,他写道,寡妇和鳏夫的死亡风险比已婚同龄人高得多。
Unmarried men are not wanted in the Sales Department, not even widowers.
But is that answer satisfactory enough for the victims, the orphans, the widowers, the dying, and the already perished?
His first play, Widowers' Houses, was performed in 1892, and 63 plays, many of them among the best in the English language, followed.
A key idea of the family of Rotary is that it encompasses the family of every Rotarian — spouses, widows and widowers, children, and parents.
Widows and widowers speak of the pain of living an unobserved life – of having no one who knows what time they come home, go to bed, or woke up.
In numerous cities and villages, many women voluntarily take it upon themselves to support and care for aged widows and widowers or adopt orphans.
A question raised in the face-lifted LIFESTYLE page goes: how should society at large look upon the love between widows and widowers in their twilight years?
Not only the proportion of widows was higher than that of widowers in each age group, but also women's remarriage possibility was much lower than men of same age.
The benevolence of use the 30 years let Tsun 1 in old have eventually, young have long, widowers, widows, orphans and the childless incapacitating disease all have to keep.
The builder and the inflexible Masterji also have much in common: both are migrants to Mumbai, widowers and lonely old men whose sons didn't turn out the way they were supposed to.
Spouses going through midlife crises would not be so quick to elope with their personal trainers; elderly widowers might consult their lawyers before marrying someone resembling Anna Nicole Smith.
In fact, the most generous group in the study was male widowers, 71% of whom gave to charities. Widowed females (67%) and divorced or separated females (56%) were the next two most generous groups.