The sad truth is that school is pricy.
The sad truth is that school is pricy .
For children shopping should be prudent, not pricy.
Additional cost (some are quite pricy) including licensing, learning curve, etc.
Possibly a pricy way to acquire a floor lamp, but you get a seat thrown in as well.
Testing fees can be pricy, but are almost always significantly lower than tuition for the courses they replace.
Getting a master's in library and information science, English, music, or education can be extremely gratifying but pricy.
And a panel encasing a vacuum is one of the best insulators known. But vacuum-insulated panels are too pricy for widespread use.
If you want to protect yourself against the minuscule particles you'll need professional masks. Very pricy and inconvenient to wear.
Sacrificing time from one's busy schedule to give to another is often more meaningful than a pricy gift from an upscale department store.
To be blunt, a relatively small number of audio enthusiasts have heard what an honest sub -woofer can do for their often pricy sound system.
In fact, carriers are keenly aware that less-pricy data plans are important in converting feature phone users to smartphone users, and are wisely making concessions.
Whatever the solution, Steve Jobs will need to summon heavy doses of both engineering and marketing magic to turn an inevitably pricy flash-based laptop into a must-have item.
无论是哪种方案,Steve Jobs要想把这种高价的闪存笔记本电脑推向市场都需要进行大量的设计和营销工作。