He called the minister of the interior and, lo and behold, within about an hour, the prisoners were released.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Lo and behold, their bonds would go up because people had discovered that you might be entitled to buy at par.
You solve the problem and then, lo and behold, it turns out that: It is my friend Bumpy. Bumpy gives me a push.
Lo and behold, it turns out that his widow, to whom he confessed various infidelities before expiring, was pregnant; indeed, he was the father.
But lo and behold!
Now, lo and behold, another deadly episode.
They rubbed it, and lo and behold; a genie appeared.
Taubes said, "and, lo and behold, we have an obesity epidemic."
Lo and behold, I turn the topic from improving oral English to practicing it.
We moved that to the top of her resume, and lo and behold she landed a sales job.
Lo and behold, doses of both fats and cytokines caused PGC-1 alpha to be methylated.
请看,大量的脂肪和细胞因子一起把PGC - 1甲基化了。
Lo and behold, doses of both fats and cytokines caused PGC - 1 alpha to be methylated.
请看,大量的脂肪和细胞因子一起把PGC - 1甲基化了。
'I've had suspicions about her meeting this guy who live uptown. Lo and behold, Find my.
Lo and behold, if you read every marketing book in print, you tend to get pretty good at it.
And lo and behold, the screen suddenly bristles with something that looks like class consciousness.
Lo and behold, over the past decade, a new group of assertive atheists has done battle with defenders of faith.
We decided to put them with some of the fluid they are found in the brain... Lo and behold they were able to grow.
If there is one thing that I've learned when the American people speak loudly enough, lo and behold, Congress listens.
All right. So you solve the problem and then, lo and behold, it turns out that: it is my friend Bumpy. Bumpy gives me a push.
A month had passed, and Sam figured he had seen the last of Bill, but one day, Sam approached the park and -- lo and behold!
山姆估算他最后见到比尔到现在已经一个月了。 有天,山姆走近公园,你瞧! 比尔不就坐在那里吗! 山姆看到比尔告诉他感到非常激动和高兴。
I see a coffee mug on the table, reach for a sip and, lo and behold, the vessel’s handle is soon in my grasp as I gingerly imbibe the hot liquid.
As I stand before the festering and varnished facades of your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing scorn: Lo and behold; all this is fraud!