Think about when you are most alert and ready to work.
Put it in your briefcase so you'll be your most alert, balanced and successful self.
Your brain is most alert one to two hours after waking, according to the Sleep-Wake Disorders Centre in New York.
Your first few hours at work are likely to be the most alert you'll be all day, so make sure you get your toughest task done first.
开始工作后的最初几个小时很可能是你一天中最清醒的时候,所以一定要首先处理掉最棘手的工作。 。
You have to be very alert when you are at your most vulnerable, especially when you are depressed or feeling isolated.
"More sleep in old age, however, is associated with better health, and most older people would feel better and more alert if they slept for longer periods," he said.
She said: "Years of alert and expectation mean that most countries now have preparedness plans.
Most of them looked alert (if not terribly bored) at the idea of sitting in an airplane for the next two hours.
Most of this energy goes towards maintaining synapses, the junctions across which impulses jump from nerve cell to nerve cell, keeping the brain alert even when it is not doing anything.
Most of this energy goes towards maintaining synapses, the junctions across which impulses jump from nerve cell to nerve cell, keeping the brain alert even when it is not doing anything.
其中大部分用来维持突触,让大脑即使在无事可做时也保持警觉。 突触是神经细胞间的连结,脉冲信号通过它们在细胞间传导。
Green is the color of safety. Red, on the other hand, most often means danger, alert, halt, please don’t touch.
That is why most examples for XSS attacks use the Alert function, which makes it very easy to detect its success.
Most of the actions configured in SimpleApp simply pop up some alert boxes, but one of the toolbar buttons lets you choose the HTML document URL to display.
To receive the points, they must alert their "friends" on Foursquare or Facebook Places, two of the most popular location-based social-networking tools.
要获得积分,他们必须在Fours quare和Facebook这两个最受欢迎的地理位置社交网站上向好友们传播这一消息。
But you have to be very alert when you are at your most vulnerable when you are depressed or feeling isolated.
In most environments, this means any change not initiated by the operator probably merits an alert to the systems team.
When are you the most energetic and alert?
Most modern browsers pre-check each web page you visit and alert you if one is suspected of being malicious.
Keeping a closer look at our behavior, most people will find out that we have got used to appearing an alert look with sceptical mind towards strangers.
Most of us know what it is to feel like a walking Homeland Security alert system.
Error, notification (alert), and confirmation messages are blocking bulletin dialogs. As we shall see, even these can and should be avoided in most circumstances.
An alert is the most intrusive way to notify users of new content.
Most developers continued to use alert statements in their code and development often involved reloading the Web site and clicking through continually until the correct function was triggered.
If you are working on your desktop most of the time, this gadget is indispensable for being notified by an alert in a timely fashion.
It can be said that the expected profits can not give us foresight, but it can give us the most timely alert!
In this article, I'll discuss the two that have provided the most value to my organization: the National Vulnerability Database and the National Cyber Alert System.
Need to alert people that these analgesics are non-prescription drugs, is the most commonly used.
After the TV news, most of the farmers were on the alert for the disaster.