The binder and binding post range in complexity from simple cover and screw to heavy-weight covers with posts riveted permanently into the cover .
HTTP POST XML binding is another binding that is supported to allow clients that like to send and receive user payload as XML.
HTTP POST XML绑定是另一种受支持的绑定,它允许客户机以xml的形式发送和接收用户负载。
The "letter" in SOAP schema is referred to as a "SOAP Body" and HTTP POST (as discussed in the section on HTTP binding with SOAP) is the transport mechanism.
SOAP 模式中的“信”就是指“SOAP Body”,HTTP POST(在 HTTP 与 SOAP 的绑定一部分讨论过)就是传输机制。
The ring binder and the post binder are examples of loose leaf binding.
Objective: to explore the significance of the choice of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) on the induced labor of post-term pregnancy.
目的:探讨胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白- 1 (IGFBP - 1)对延期妊娠引产时机选择的意义。
The goal of the enterprise is to produce the first -class post -printing binding equipments.
Meanwhile, it has the most advanced post-processing bounding equipments in the world, which are a full-automatic m art ini binding machine and a Martini saddle stitcher.
Meanwhile, it has the most advanced post-processing bounding equipments in the world, which are a full-automatic Martini binding machine and a Martini saddle stitcher.