Mr Obama's speech was broadcast live by only one cable TV channel with limited reach.
Winfrey used the show to launch her magazine, a book club that turned authors into best-sellers, and a cable TV channel, Oxygen, geared to female and lifestyle topics.
On-demand cable channel Exercise TV allows you to get fit with only a laptop and some extra floor space.
按需点播有线电视频道 Exercise TV让你只要有台笔记本电脑和一块空地就可以进行健身。
The multi-billion-pageInternet would collapseinto the homogeneous world of cable TV (remember whenwe thought that a“500-channel universe” would be unimaginably broad?
It also bodes ill for Fox's forthcoming dedicated reality-TV cable channel-especially as there are two of them already.
On cable TV they have a weather channel-24 hours of weather. We had something like that where I grew up. We called it a window.
A good way to find one is to look for a podcast from a TV channel you usually watch in your cable TV.
The Discovery Channel on cable TV is the one I like most.
Compared with cable digital TV and satellite digital TV, channel to the environment of terrestrial digital TV transmission system is more complex.
In addition, he was also engaged in the RF front-end development of cable and satellite for digital TV and led the project return channel for cable.
Episode 1 of the third series of RC Racing, shown in Europe on cable channel Motors TV is now online and can be watched in the player above.
Mr Steinbrenner also saw that television, especially the arrival of cable TV, would make sport a lucrative business. He eventually launched the team's own cable channel, YES.